To ensure that our parade is the best it can be, please keep in mind that we seek entries that:
Are colourful, entertaining and display community achievement and pride;
Promote worthy causes in a creative, crowd-pleasing way;
Exemplify the cultural diversity of the region;
Present an attractive, cohesive, coordinated group appearance.
Non-profits (including community groups, charities, school groups and sports teams) are encouraged to apply financial assistance from the Parade Improvement Fun.
May we remind you that there is only one Santa and draw your attention to the following points:
1. Entries (whether for profit or not) are only permitted to use their branding on the 6’ x 2’ banner that leads their entry (or attached to their entry if no lead banner is used). No logos of any other kind are permitted to appear on their entry. Schools and sports teams are excluded from this rule.
2. There is an entry fee. Unlike sponsorship monies which go towards funding the general running costs of the parade, entry fees will go directly to the Parade Improvement Fund. Participants are able to apply for monies from this fund to develop and improve their entry. Preference will be given to non-profit organisations.
3. There are strict age limits – all parade participants must be at least 9 years of age – NO EXCEPTIONS. Younger children are encouraged to help build the parade entry and watch it go by from the safety of the sidelines.
4. Costumes are mandatory and must be thematic. A Santa hat is not enough!
5. Lights, lights and more lights! Now that we have switched to an evening parade, we encourgage participants to add lights to their entries.
Our vision is to ensure the safety of all involved, and to entertain and delight the thousands of people who line the streets of Guelph for this fun event. We are grateful to all entrants who endeavor to do the same.